Checking Windows Backup (ntbackup)

Anthony Montibello amontibello at
Tue Mar 30 00:49:50 CEST 2010

HI List,

Other option for monitoring backups:
1) if the backup lists in a director use a FIleAge check
2) if the backup lists to Event Logs, do an eventlog Check
3) custom scripts as specified before.

There are several ways to do Fileage and Eventlogs,
NC_Net and NSCLient++ should be able to provide both of these

Author of NC_Net

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Joseph L. Casale <jcasale at
> wrote:

> >Care to share your scripts?
> Most of the scripts are rather site specific, but here
> are some relevant parts (In this script, I let the passive
> check deduce the failure, others I send a CRITICAL update,
> just test for $LastExitCode -ne "0"):
> $NTBackupDest = 'C:\Temp\Remote_SystemState.bkf'
> $NTBackupList = 'C:\Scripts\Backup\rsyncd\SystemState.bks'
> $NTBackupParam = 'backup' + ' ' + '"@' + $NTBackupList + '"' +
>                 ' /n "DC - SystemState" /d "DC - SytemState" /v:yes /r:no
> /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "DC - SystemState" /l:f /f ' +
>                 '"' + $NTBackupDest + '"'
> $NagiosSrv = ''
> $TrapGenDef = 'Daily Backup - System State'
> Write-Host "*** Informing Nagios a backup has begun ***" -foregroundcolor
> Yellow -backgroundcolor Black
> $TrapParam = '-d' + ' ' + $NagiosSrv + ':162' + ' ' + '-c public -g 5 -s 23
> -v STRING' + ' ' +
>             '"' + $TrapGenDef + '"' + ' ' + '-v
>                     ' ' + '"' + "Running Backup - $(Get-Date)" + '"'
> cmd /c "TrapGen.exe $TrapParam"
> cmd /c "ntbackup.exe $NTBackupParam"
> If ($LASTEXITCODE -ne "0") { Write-Host "NTBackup Failed, LastExitCode:
> $LastExitCode"  -foregroundcolor Red -backgroundcolor Black; Exit
> My trap parsing script is a super hacked up version of this script:
> Hth,
> jlc
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