SMS Foxbox

Jakob Curdes jc at
Wed Nov 10 10:24:08 CET 2010

Am 10.11.2010 10:09, schrieb Rutger Blom:
> Thank you very much for the information. In our case we only have one 
> SMS recipient so it should work fine.
Another option is to use a GSM modem (or old cellphone with serial 
cable) and the GPLed software "SMS server tools" ( )
which gives you a nice SMS daemon. You can send messages then by 
dropping them in a spool directory. The message format is simple, 
containing phone number and text in a fixed format.
This can be eaysily generated by a script you run when needing an alert.
We found it quite easy o setup, only trick is to use a phone or modem 
that is well supported.

I can give some details on request.
Best regards,
Jakob Curdes

Jakob Curdes

iS information systems oHG
Postfach 3011
26020 Oldenburg
Tel.: (0)441 - 84 53 1
Fax: (0)441 - 88 59 378


Donnerschweer Str. 89-91
D 26123 Oldenburg

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