Some alerts not getting to sendmail

Tim Palmer tim at
Thu Nov 18 21:33:43 CET 2010

Tim Palmer wrote:
> Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>> On 11/18/2010 03:48 PM, Tim Palmer wrote:
>>> Good morning, or whatever as the case may be...
>>> I have a Nagios 3.2.1install which is showing a problem I'm unsure how
>>> to troubleshoot further. It's either something simple I'm missing, or a
>>> deeper, more difficult problem. Or a transient to be perhaps put on a
>>> shelf until it happens again.
>>> First, the questions:
>>> - Is the notifications log absolute?
>>>      - Meaning, if a notification is shown in this log, it has passed all
>>> filters (notification options etc) and Nagios believes it was submitted
>>> to the MTA.
>> Yes.
> Excellent, thank you. That's the critical bit for me regarding Nagios.
>>> - Is there anywhere besides the MTA's log,status.dat and nagios.log to
>>> look for clues to mail problems?
>> The receiving end comes to mind, or any server(s) in between.
>>> ==============
>>> Details
>>> - Running on FreeBSD 7.0, using stock sendmail on localhost.
>>> - In general, everything is working fine. 125 hosts, 1600 ish services.
>>> This system has been up and stable for a few months.
>>> Host and service notifications of all kinds go out properly all the time.
>>> Last night, I had a host go down. Notification got to my cell phone and
>>> the other contacts it's configured to just fine. This morning, I dealt
>>> with the problem host and Nagios showed it back up. But no Host up
>>> notification to any of the configured contacts. The Notifications log
>>> shows the host up notifications as having been sent. There's nothing in
>>> /var/log/maillog for the time Nagios says the notifications were sent.
>>> In status.dat, the record for my cell contact has a
>>> "last_host_notification" line with the epoch time version of the exact
>>> second the notification was in theory sent. Host and template records
>>> included at the bottom of this email. I've included one contact def, but
>>> there were 4 contacts, using 2 different scripts that should have
>>> received the notification.
>>> As far as I can see, there is nothing in the host configuration or
>>> related templates that would keep a host up notification from being sent.
>>> We use custom host-notify scripts which log actions, and again, no
>>> entries for the specific problem, but lots of other notifications before
>>> and after. These scripts could be the problem, but I want to rule out
>>> other issues first.
>> Notifications are a pretty integral part to what makes Nagios worth
>> anything at all. Since you're using homebrewed scripts and noone else
>> has reported any problems with them, I suggest you first debug your
>> own scripts, or enable debug-logging for notifications. The dosc will
>> tell you how to do that. It won't help for this occurrance of the
>> failed notifications, but it will definitely help you in the future
>> if it ever happens again.
> Agreed on all counts. Now that you've confirmed the final-ness of the 
> notifications log, I am comfortable looking outside Nagios to the 
> scripts, system and sendmail. I'm sure there's a reasonable, logical 
> explanation for a small subset of mail not getting from Nagios to the 
> local MTA...
> Thank you
> Tim

Note to self, and whoever else might be listening - properly quoting 
plugin output before releasing into the shell is a Good Thing. Blaming 
ex-employees for the oversight is tempting, but cowardly.

And Tim's Trouble Shooting Rule #1 holds again - "It's your fault, find 
what you did wrong" or, "Never forget you're an idiot".


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