check_asterisk plugin returning null
Athiqur Rahman
subs at
Wed Oct 6 12:39:16 CEST 2010
I am using the check_asterisk pluing that is found here
When executing this script from bash it works like a charm
[root at watcher2 libexec]# ./check_asterisk -U sip:1111 at -w 10 -c 50
SIP OK - Test Duration: 2.19 ms
I created the command
define command {
command_name check_asterisk
command_line $USER1$/check_asterisk -U $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -w 100 -c 500
and then i created the service
define service{
use generic-service
host_name TVoIP1
service_description check_sip_asterisk
display_name check for SIP on astersk
check_command check_asterisk!sip:1111 at!5060
This gives me critical alert on nagios with a status information of 'null'
I tried executing the check_asterisk from bash as user nagios and got
the following
[nagios at watcher2 libexec]$ ./check_asterisk -U sip:1111 at -w 10 -c 20
warning: need raw socket (root privileges) to receive all ICMP errors
SIP OK - Test Duration: 0.53 ms
The check_asteisk plugin uses sipsak, could this have anything to do
with this? Any comments appreciated.
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