Nagios alert via Twitter - authorization issue
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
rms at
Mon Oct 11 18:13:20 CEST 2010
That will not work anymore because Twitter is run by idiots who think
Oauth is the be all end all of security. It isn't.
It is perhaps a good compromise if you don't want to give your user and
password to a foreign website in order to have it do things on your
behalf but for local applications it actually *reduces* security by
imposing a more complicated method than http basic auth via https (BTW,
you should use https with basic auth always, and not http as you have)
full weird workflows.
I suggest the following:
1) create an account in (a Free Software social
2) use your command with the following difference in the url:
(they have a compatible api).
Best regards,
Seg, 2010-10-11 às 11:29 -0400, John Antram escreveu:
> Hello everyone! Before I attempt to re-invent the wheel with getting
> curl:// command lines to authenticate to the new twitter API, has anyone
> solved it?
> I'm in the middle of moving part of our network to our new building and
> just noticed I don't have any tweet-ed alerts since they put the
> security on the API.
> My command looks like this in command.cfg:
> define command {
> command_name host-notify-by-twitter
> command_line /usr/bin/curl --basic --user "<user:password>"
> --data-ascii "status=[Nagios] $HOSTSTATE$ alert for $HOSTNAME$ at
> $SHORTDATETIME$" >> /dev/null
> }
> Thanks everyone!
> John Antram
> rewt at
> Subatomic Digital
> Essex/Williston Vermont
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