Overriding notification contacts

Assaf Flatto nagios at flatto.net
Wed Sep 1 12:44:15 CEST 2010

  On 01/09/10 09:37, J.M. wrote:
> Hey there,
> In case one has many services checked via wildcard templates:
> define service {
>          name            std
>          use             normal
>          register        0 ;;; template
>          host_name       * ;;; ALL hosts
>          check_period    24x7
>          ; contact_groups are inherited from host definitions
> }
> define service {
>          name            std_ping
>          use             std
>          service_description            PING
> ....
>          check_command                  check_ping
> }
> Now suppose there are services for a few hosts that would need to have a
> different check_period (they have, in hosts.cfg).
> What would be the most elegant way to accomplish that without adding too many
> new services?
> Would/could the check_period maybe be inherited from the host? Don't think so.
> As far as I can see, just adding the concerned services with a specific host
> will only result in duplicate service definition warnings. Unless one would have
> to remember removing those specific hosts from the wildcard service while
> defining the more specific service. In that scenario some kind of override would
> be cool.
> Any thoughts that didn't cross my mind yet?
> Regards,
> JM
An alternate template with the changed parameter could do the trick .

this will mean you build another template with another time period for 
the check and use that template for the services you need.

Since the service in your example is a template and not and active one - 
there should be no conflicts .

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