Newbie questions for Nagios XI latest release
Robert J Molerio
rjm399 at
Wed Aug 17 17:52:39 CEST 2011
I have a few questions on the latest release of the product.
1) Does Nagios support the use of Oracle as the back end database? Would
doing so compromise our support from them?
2) Can Nagios receive alerts from external monitors? If so what mechanisms
would be supported?
3) Does Nagios support monitoring IBM specific hardware - e.g. the
bladecenter AMM's or IBM RSA II cards in standalone xServers for alerts?
Thank you,
Bob Molerio
Systems Administrator
New York University
ITS Computer Facilities Services/Infrastructure
Level C-2
75 Third Avenue
New York NY 10003-5527
email:robert.molerio at <robert.molerio at>
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