Nagios father and nagios son concept
James Osbourn
james.osbourn at
Fri Aug 19 09:58:21 CEST 2011
Hi Saulo,
I had a similar situation with multiple sites and wanted each site to monitor itself but have a server to go to and get an overview of all sites. I went for the Check MK Multisite
I can now connect to each local site directly or the overview page. Each site handles the monitoring and alerts for each site so if one is down the others keep going.
From: Saulo Zimbaro [mailto:saulo.zimbaro at]
Sent: 19 August 2011 01:20
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] Nagios father and nagios son concept
I have more then one data centers to monitoring. I´d like to know if there is a way to use various nagios instances and one main nagios to centralize information.
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