Passive checks are stalled despite freshness check set

MAD mad at
Tue Dec 6 11:13:41 CET 2011

Hi list,

I have a small problem with Nagios's service freshness checks. I'm 
probably missing something but I don't see what.

I have created several passive checks, waiting for SNMP traps and 
triggering CRITICAL states on reception. I set freshness threshold to 
15min (900s) to reset the service to an OK state.

Here is my configuration:

define service {
check_command    reset_ok_state
max_checks_attempts    1
passive_checks_enabled    1
active_check_enabled    0
freshness_threshold    900
check_freshness    1

define command {
command_name reset_ok_state
command line $USER1$/check_dummy 0 "Last alert received at `date -d 
'1970-01-01 UTC + $LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE$ seconds'`"

Everything works fine for some days but, after a while, freshness stops 
to be checked and I have to restart Nagios in order to trigger the 
freshness check again. Then I get in the Nagios log that my service is 
stale for several hours and that Nagios is scheduling an immediat check.

I'm running Nagios v3.2.3 on an Ubuntu server 11.04.

Does somebody already see a similar behaviour? Is there some flaw(s) in 
my configuration?

Thanks in advance,


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