check_http and authentication

Edwin Zoeller Edwin.Zoeller at
Thu Jan 20 16:21:12 CET 2011

I am having the same type of problem but mine is that when I enter a
UID/PWD and change it to test it is always successful. What am I doing

-----Original Message-----
From: stan [mailto:stanb at] 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:45 AM
To: nagios List
Subject: [Nagios-users] check_http and authentication

I have 2 Nagios instances at the moment. On one I am using the chck_http
pluging version 1.4.13, and on the other I have version 1.4.14. On both
systems I am check agains Server Tecnology PDU's. The older one works
The newer plugin reports a warning "HTTP Warning HTTP/1.1 401
412 bytes ..." But when run from the command line you get status OK, and
a return code of 0. From the coomand line we are executing"check_http -H
"hostname" --authorization=xxxx:xxx".

I think that maybe the newer plugin requires a different set of options
to work with these units?

Any sugestions as to debuging this?

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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