Distributed Monitoring
Romain Le Merlus
rlemerlus at merethis.com
Wed Mar 30 18:35:22 CEST 2011
Hi Wallace,
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Gerheim <wallacegerheim at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm new on Nagios and nagios-users mailing list.
> I was looking for addons for Nagios but i didn't find one wich attends me.
> Let me explain my scenario. If someone could help me, i ll be grateful.
> I have one nagios central with centreon. I have another nagios (worker),
> with centreon, wich i want to configure some hots and hostgroups that i
> don't want to configure on nagios central. But i want to monitor workers
> host and hotsgroups with nagios central.
> Summarizing, when i manipulate hosts on workers i don't want to put in
> nagios central.
The standard distributed configuration for Centreon is to have a central web
server (Centreon & Nagios) and pollers (Nagios).
The whole configuration is define on the central server and you associate
each host recorded on the correct Nagios engine.
Then, with the access control list feature, you can easily choose to display
or not hostgroup/host monitoring on the web side for each user connected.
Best regards.
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