Average Check latency and execution time growth - 3.2.3

Jim Avery jim at jimavery.me.uk
Fri Oct 7 20:52:29 CEST 2011

On 3 October 2011 04:36, Stuart Browne <stuart.browne at ausregistry.com.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know this topic has been covered many times, but I've tried those tweaks and I have the remaining issue.
> After a few days, the latency on checks explodes.  It goes along quite happily with small values, then after (about) 3 days, the values rise quite sharply.  I've recently been graphing performance statistics (nagiostats, mrtg) and as you can see by the two attachments (day, week), it's rather surprising.

I'm sorry I can't shed much light on it, but I've seen the same
behaviour myself, albeit on my system the service check latency
wouldn't start increasing until after a week or two but you're right -
the rate of increase when it starts is quite alarming.  I've recently
culled a lot of checks from the system which has ameliorated the issue
for the time being, but it would be good to get it fixed properly.

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