Email notifications not getting Out

steve f a31modela at
Sun Sep 4 02:19:23 CEST 2011

Running nagios Core on SUSE linux 11.  Nothing changed.... 
at LEAST to Nagios, and everything was working fine.  Had an
alert happen but never got an email for the alert.

Verified in nagios.log, the notification was created but nothing ever shows
up in /var/log/mail.  Last time I show something in /var/log/mail,
was Aug 23.

Here is notification in nagios.log :

[1314995299] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;localhost;Check BI Web;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-email;RESPONSE:
CRITICAL - does not contain any data

( I tweaked the check to fail on purpose ) 

And as I said, nothing goes into /var/log/mail and our sendmail does not see the email request.

I can send a mail message from the command line from the nagios server with no problem using the mail command.

I have done a verify & restart of Nagios but still no email.

Is there anything else I can check from the Nagios side as to why the notification is not getting out?

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