Hostgroup Members

Brandon Phelps bphelps at
Fri Sep 23 18:38:17 CEST 2011

Thanks Dan.  I was aware of the hostgroups directive in the host {} block, but for some reason my brain never connected the dots.

In that case, does anyone know when support was added for host { hostgroups = ... }, or simply whether or not it is available in version 1.4?  I have googled a bit but can't seem to find the online manual for 1.4.x.

Thanks again,

On 09/23/2011 12:14 PM, Daniel Wittenberg wrote:
> Not sure about in the old version, but what we do is not put the membership info in the hostgroup definition, but give the host definition a list of hostgroups it belongs to which is a much shorter list.
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Phelps [mailto:bphelps at]
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:51 AM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Hostgroup Members
> Hello,
> We are using a fairly old version of Nagios (1.4.1) which has been running great for years and is in production on 100+ servers so we are a bit hesitant to update.  If it ain't broke don't fix it, right?  Anyway, one minor problem is the fact that in the nagios configuration, the members directive for a hostgroup can only support a certain number of entries, due to the fact that the members directive takes a comma delimited list of members and that list, it seems, can only be a maximum of 2000ish (I think, I don't recall off hand) characters.  Like:
> hostgroup {
> 	...
> 	members = Member1,Member2,Member3,...,Member200, Member201, Member202
> }
> My question is, do newer version of nagios remove this limitation?  It isn't really a huge deal since we can simply create additional hostgroups when we reach the limit on one, however if this is fixed in a newer version then that, for us, would be a good reason to upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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