puzzling no output from nrpe run of check_load

Roger Burton West roger at firedrake.org
Thu Apr 26 01:45:07 CEST 2012

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 04:18:26PM -0700, Peter N. Steinmetz wrote:

>So why is it that proper functioning of the check_load plugin on the nrpe server requires a shell? and password for login? It does seem that the more correct method of operation is a non-login shell with permissions set appropriately in /etc/sudoers, but somehow that is not working.

On my NRPE-monitored servers I have a nagios account with a password
in /etc/shadow of "*", and /bin/false as shell... and it still works.
(Linux. sudoers only allows root to the plugins that need them, such as
check_ide_smart.) So this is not the whole story.


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