FW: Error Found in script check_disk_smb
Niji Ogunbameru
Niji.Ogunbameru at phgroup.com
Mon Jun 18 15:36:56 CEST 2012
Dear Nagios_users
The following error have been generated when using the the script check_disk_smb as follows
zenosssrv:/usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec # /usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec/check_disk_smb -H <ServerName>.<DomainName>.com -s fscs
Can't exec "//<ServerName>.<DomainName>.com/fscs": No such file or directory at /usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec/check_disk_smb line 166.
Use of uninitialized value $res in split at /usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec/check_disk_smb line 172.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/zenoss/common/libexec/check_disk_smb line 180.
Result from smbclient not suitable
As the error has stated and on checking the script, line 166 contained the following
$res = qx/$smbclient \/\/$host\/$share -U $user%$pass $smbclientoptions -c ls/;
but scroll down to line 61 since I was tring to find out where $smbclient was defined, $smbclient was defined on line 61 and line 61 contained the following
my $smbclient= "$utils::PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT " ;
But strangely line 61 also contained a variable $utils
$utils is not defined anywhere and I believed that because $utils is not defined, in effects causes $smbclient not to exist.
so in line 166 the only command that seems to be ran is
\/\/$host\/$share -U $user%$pass $smbclientoptions -c ls/;
hence forced the OS to return the error specified
Why is $utils not defined and is there any fix for this issue.
IS there any manual for this script?
OS in use::
SuSe Enterprise ver 11
Application:: Zenoss application
I have limited knowledge in perl, please kindly make the solution as clear as possible
Many thanks in anticipation.
Kind Regards
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