host object declarations
jm+nagios-users at
Tue Oct 2 17:20:59 CEST 2012
> The only thing I'm saying in that bugreport is
> that Nagios does not and will not complain when the "address" fields of
> hosts are unique.
In fact you also said:
> that suggests that either your namestandard (used for the host_name field)
> sucks, or that you or your co-workers are simply confused when it comes
> to configuring Nagios.
So let's talk best practices.
In practice it did occur that when someone copy/pasted a bunch of service
definitions (yeah I know you should use templates, call that confusion if
you like) just forgot to update the address field and the newly created checks
(or so they believed) did nothing more than check the old stuff once more.
According to what you suggest, it is wisest to indeed use DNS names where you
can in the host_name field. (and only use the address field in special
circumstances) (in Nagios4)
If you define your nomenclature like that, possible confusion may be
eliminated ;-)
BTW I have all sorts things in place that
- check for duplicate addresses
- check for syntax errors all over the place
- check if the plugin specified in command_line actually exists thus preventing
stupid error 127 or alike
If anyone finds that interesting, see below.
PS. As a sidenote: I once created a more or less functional version of a script
allowing to change service names. It's not trivial but can be done.
Does anyone know of something existing and working that allows to change
service and also hostnames?
for f in $(grep command_line $NAGIOS/etc/checkcommands.cfg | awk '{print $2}' |\
grep USER1 | sed 's/\$USER1\$\///'); do
if [ ! -f $NAGIOS/libexec/$f ]; then
echo "[KO] $f does not exist"
ERR=$(($ERR + 1))
[ "$ERR" -eq 0 ] && echo "[OK] all commands seem to exist"
# make sure to always update both statements!
if [ "$(grep -r address $NAGIOS/etc/hosts* | grep -v '~' | grep -v svn |\
grep -v '.bak' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' \t' | awk -F'address' '{print $2}' |\
sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -v ' 1 ' | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "[INFO] IP address defined more than once:"
grep -r address $NAGIOS/etc/hosts* | grep -v '~' | grep -v svn |\
grep -v '.bak' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' \t' |\
awk -F'address' '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep -v ' 1 '
echo "[OK] Dup IP check ok"
# syntax check - bash scripts
echo Please wait...
for i in $(find $NAGIOS/libexec -type f | grep -v '~'); do
echo $i | grep -q '/.svn/' && continue
if [[ "$i" =~ '\.sh' ]] || [ "$(head -1 $i)" = '#!/bin/bash' ]; then
if ! sh -n $i; then
echo "[KO] bash syntax error - $i"
if [[ "$i" =~ '\.pl' ]] || [ "$(head -1 $i)" = '#!/usr/bin/perl' ]; then
if ! perl -wc $i; then
echo "[KO] perl syntax error - $i"
if [[ "$i" =~ '\.php' ]]; then
if ! php -l $i &>/dev/null; then
echo "[KO] PHP syntax error - $i"
[ "$OK" -eq "1" ] && echo "[OK] shell scripts - syntax checks ok"
# check command syntax
TMP=/tmp/$(basename $0).$$
grep command_line $NAGIOS/etc/misccommands.cfg $NAGIOS/etc/checkcommands.cfg |\
sed 's/command_line//' > $TMP
sh -n $TMP
if [ "$RET" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[OK] command scripts - syntax checks ok"
echo "[KO] command scripts - error $RET"
rm $TMP
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