New check_openmanage error after updating to OMSA 7.2.0-4

Trond Hasle Amundsen t.h.amundsen at
Thu Jan 10 22:39:08 CET 2013

Steve Jenkins <stevejenkins at> writes:

> And... to answer my own question, yes - 3.7.9 does indeed fix
> this. New version is probably already in the repos, waiting out the
> testing period.

Not sure which repos you're referring to, but I'll assume Fedora and/or
Fedora EPEL.

I didn't get around to submitting updates until today. They should
arrive in the testing repos in a couple of days. The updates need to
stay in testing for a week for Fedora and two weeks for EPEL before they
can be pushed to stable. If you can't wait, you can download the RPMs
via the Fedora build system, you'll find links here:

When it has arrived in testing (and in your local mirror), you can
install it with (example for EPEL):

  yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update nagios-plugins-openmanage

Trond H. Amundsen <t.h.amundsen at>
Center for Information Technology Services, University of Oslo

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