Service Alert History - "No history information was found for this service in this archived log file"

Samuel Kidman Samuel.Kidman at
Fri Jan 11 03:51:47 CET 2013


I am having an issue where Nagios is not finding alert history in the nagios log files.

eg. I have a service called cpu on host PR-GGM-CR-DC01.

prl at PR-PRO-CR-NAG02:/usr/local/nagios/var/archives$ grep 'PR-GGM-CR-DC01;cpu' nagios-01-11-2013-00.log
[1357747200] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: PR-GGM-CR-DC01;cpu;OK;HARD;1;VM_STAT OK - One minute average CPU usage is 4.94%
prl at PR-PRO-CR-NAG02:/usr/local/nagios/var/archives$ grep 'PR-GGM-CR-DC01;cpu' nagios-01-10-2013-00.log
[1357660800] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: PR-GGM-CR-DC01;cpu;OK;HARD;1;VM_STAT OK - One minute average CPU usage is 4.99%

Yet when I visit alert history for this service I get the No history information message.

Anyone know what is going on?

Regards, Sam
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