Show Host Display Name in Web Interface

Nathan Lewis natewlew at
Fri Jan 18 18:33:31 CET 2013

Does anyone know how I could show the display_name or alias as the main
display for a host? I would like to give a unique name to a host and a
generic display name that is human readable.

The reason I want to do this is because devices on our network can
be re-purposed. When I rename a host in Nagios I tend to loose history and
pnp data.

If I give a host a display name in Nagios XI or Nagios Core, the only place
I see it is on the host detail page. It would make sense for this to be the

Since this does not seem to be the default functionality, what is the
purpose of display_name?

Thanks for your time. I can't seem to find an answer to this using a web
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