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I am having trouble compiling the plugins on Solaris 8. I have downloaded
nagiosplug-1.3-beta1, run configure with the following options:
<p><tt>sh ./configure --prefix=/opt/nagios --with-nagios-user=sysadmin
<p>configure seems to run ok, but when I try a 'make all', I get the
following errors:
<p> <tt>smc:59:/opt/nagios/plugins/nagiosplug-1.3-beta1# make all</tt>
<br><tt>Making all in plugins</tt>
<br><tt>mksh: Fatal error in reader: = missing from replacement macro reference</tt>
<br><tt>Current working directory /opt/nagios/plugins/nagiosplug-1.3-beta1/plugins</tt>
<br><tt>*** Error code 1</tt>
<br><tt>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'</tt><tt></tt>
<p>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this problem?
<p>Thanks in advance for your help,