<P>The situation I'm trying to aviod is routerA goes down during my (service) Non-notification_period, and I not knowing that routerA is down AFTER the non-notification_period has expired is down without looking at the website. </P>
<P>What I'd really like to do is be able to supress all notifications for a group of hosts(not just services), and if a host happends to goes down during the non-notification_period, I'd like NOT to recieve a notificition, if the host is still down after the non-notification_period I'd like to get a notification...So I'd I'd only get paged if they were still down after the non-notification_period.</P>
<P>My understanding is that if a timeout period is used, no notifications are sent out, and none will be issused unless the host changes state again after the timeout period. </P>
<P>Any suggestions?</P>
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<P>Hey, I'm trying to cut down on the number of pages I'm getting during off hours, so I've setup service_notification_timeperiods, for my services, however I still recieve (can be tons) of pages for the host being down. </P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
<a href="http://webhosting.yahoo.com/ ">Y! Web Hosting</a> - Let the expert host your web site