<P>Yep, however the hosts after the invaild hostname will provide a warning error stating that they have no services defined, so you can tell where the error is...
<P> <B><I>Tom Lichti <tom@redpepperracing.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Well, after seeing how I could 'save time' with the tips, I spent a day <BR>re-organizing my services file into templates and multi-host services. And <BR>it didn't work. So much for saving time. Any service that has multiple <BR>hosts in the host_name line seem to be completely ignored, and do not <BR>generate errors with the nagios -v test.<BR><BR>The problem was that I had a host in the list of 'host_name' that didn't <BR>exist in the hosts definition. It didn't give a warning to that effect <BR>though, it just stopped processing the hosts after that. For example, I had<BR><BR>define service{<BR>use generic-websrvr-service<BR>host_name <BR>websrvr-100,websrvr-101,websrvr-102,websrvr-103,websrvr-104,websrvr-105,we<BR>bsrvr-106,websrvr-107,websrvr-108,websrvr-109,websrvr-110,websrvr-112,websr<BR>vr-113,websrvr-114,websrvr-115,websrvr-116,websrvr-117,websrvr-118,websrvr-<BR>119<BR>service_
description Disk Space<BR>check_command check_all_disks_r!!85!95<BR>}<BR><BR>But websrvr-107 did not exist in the hosts file, so it appears that it <BR>stops processing the list of hosts if it finds one that does not exist in <BR>the hosts definitions. Ok, fine, except that there was no warning! Argh.<BR><BR>Anyway, I've fixed my services file, but that was a bit of pain to find.<BR><BR>Tom<BR><BR><BR>-------------------------------------------------------<BR>This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek<BR>Welcome to geek heaven.<BR>http://thinkgeek.com/sf<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Nagios-users mailing list<BR>Nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net<BR>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/nagios-users</BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>-----<br><br>Jon Lyons<br>Black Honda F3 #800<p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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