i am running Nagios 1.0 on a Linux machine connected via DSL.<br><br>
Sometimes it appears, that my machine is in offline state.<br><br>
I dont want Nagios to send out Notifiactions if my machine is
So i have configured every HOST to not notify when in UNREACHABLE
when my machine is offline, this should be a unreachable state, but i
get notified, that the host ist DOWN.<br><br>
the host check is also not very sensitive, it counts up to 10 tries
a minute:<br><br>
05-12-2002 20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;HARD;10;PING CRITICAL -
Network unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c47bf.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;9;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4819.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;8;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4873.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;7;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c48ce.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;6;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4928.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;5;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4982.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;4;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c49dc.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;3;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4a36.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;2;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable (<br>
<img src="cid:" alt="7c4a90.jpg">[05-12-2002
20:04:58] HOST ALERT: ded05;DOWN;SOFT;1;PING CRITICAL - Network
unreachable ( <br><br>
how can i configure Nagios, to not cry if my computer is not connected to
the internet ?<br><br>
thanks for your advise<br><br>
<tt>-- <br><br>
Norbert Schollum <br>
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