<TITLE>Re: [Nagios-users] nagios + chroot: Return code of 127 for check of service</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>No, its nagios. 127 means nagios could not find or execute the plugin. Verify the paths in command.cfg make sense in you're chroot environment.<BR>
Sent from a very tiny wireless device with a very tiny unlit keyboard.<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: julien Touche <julien.touche@lycos.com><BR>
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net <nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net><BR>
Sent: Sat May 17 02:50:53 2003<BR>
Subject: [Nagios-users] nagios + chroot: Return code of 127 for check of service<BR>
i finally manage to get nagios working in apache chroot but i get tons<BR>
of warning: Return code of 127 for check of service 'XXX' ...<BR>
and all the rest works quite right.<BR>
i ask myself if it is the cgis which make this check or the daemon ?<BR>
here my little script to install in chroot<BR>
tmp=`mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX` || exit 1<BR>
args="--with-gd-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-gd-inc=/usr/local/include"<BR>
./configure --prefix=$prefix --sbindir=$chrootdir/sbin<BR>
--datadir=$chrootdir/share --with-htmurl=/admin/nagios<BR>
--with-cgiurl=/admin/nagios/cgi-bin --sysconfdir=$chrootdir/etc<BR>
--localstatedir=$chrootdir/var $args<BR>
## add static patch<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.bennyvision.com/projects/nagios/nagios-1.0b6-static-cgi-v0.1.patch">http://www.bennyvision.com/projects/nagios/nagios-1.0b6-static-cgi-v0.1.patch</A><BR>
#patch -p0 cgi/Makefile < nagios-1.0b6-static-cgi-v0.1.patch<BR>
more cgi/Makefile | sed \<BR>
's/CFLAGS=-g/CFLAGS=-g -static/;s/GDLIBS=.*/GDLIBS=-lgd -lz -lpng -lz<BR>
-lgd -ljpeg -lm/' > $tmp \<BR>
&& mv $tmp cgi/Makefile<BR>
make all && make install && make install-config<BR>
cp daemon-init $prefix/bin/nagios-init<BR>
cd $chrootdir/etc<BR>
touch dependencies.cfg escalations.cfg<BR>
for i in cgi.cfg timeperiods.cfg nagios.cfg resource.cfg; do<BR>
[ ! -f $i ] && cp $i-sample $i<BR>
chmod 711 $chrootdir<BR>
ln -s / /var/www/var/www<BR>
note: if you don't want the last symlink, you must have a separate<BR>
commons/locations.h for the cgi with chrooted path and a chrooted<BR>
nagios.cfg (with chrooted path)<BR>
note2: time for resubmit a chroot port for openbsd maybe, Benny :)<BR>
note3: to answer questions about why chroot, maybe because nagios is not<BR>
the only thing in apache or the box, and you don't want to lower<BR>
security of the rest only for nagios ...<BR>
note4: last thing at work is systrace policies ;)<BR>
note5: please cc.<BR>
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::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue.<BR>
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