<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Hi all,</P>
<P>1st - apologies for the mail format if it offends.</P>
<P>Scenario: Running nagios on Solaris 5.8 with various plugins, including check_mailq.</P>
<P>: using check_nrpe!ip!check_command successfully from nagios on server on *all* other plugins.</P>
<P>: running nrpe -d nrpe.cfg on remote host which as mentioned is monitoring all commands 100%</P>
<P>Error: check_mailq command output = "Error cannot find executable" as found with nagios main view. </P>
<P>Tried: Running check_nrpe IP addy -c check_mailq (from command line, works fine)</P>
<P>Made sure that files are executable and running nrpe and nagios as user nagios.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>*Any* pointers 100% appreciated :-)</P>
<P>Srv.<BR><BR></P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Get the latest <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMYENZA/2755??PS=">ringtones and pictures </a> at MSN Mobile</html>
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