<p>Hello I am a newbie, </p><p>During check-host-alive command, I am
getting " CRITICAL Plugin time out after 10 seconds".</p><p>How
ever, I have modified ping command with extra option " -t 30"
(i.e. time out 30 seconds). <br />1. In nagios.cfg, I have modified
"check_service_timeout=240" seconds. <br />2. For that I have
modified (a) checkcommands.cfg and (b) command.cfg file with time out
raised to 30 seconds.</p><p>Is there any thing missing???? Why is it
stilling taking 10 seconds time out. </p><p>Please help to find out the
reason.</p><p>Thanx in advance .</p><p>Vishal.</p><p />
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