<DIV><?xml:namespace prefix = mailto /><mailto:chris.stankaitis@datawire.net><mailto:giliardo@ufv.br><mailto:giliardo@ufv.br><FONT face=arial size=-1>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D044285209-09062004><FONT face=3DArial color=#3d000f ="<br">
<P>Using Nagios 1.2 with MySQL for data storage. I've written my own check_snmp to get a value from a power strip that returns Amps * 10, so a 0.8 amp reading is sent back by snmpget as 8. In order to watch the actual amps, and history, I set Value = Value / 10, and return the string</P>
<P>OK: 0.8</P>
<P>The problem is with the value stored in the MySQL database, and displayed on the web page, is 0. So, when amp usage on the unit is low, I get an alarm telling me it is zero!</P>
<P>Has anyone else seen the trucated value like this? </P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></FONT></SPAN></FONT></mailto:giliardo@ufv.br></mailto:giliardo@ufv.br></mailto:chris.stankaitis@datawire.net></DIV></DIV><p>
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