Some how /usr/local/nagios/libexec directory is missing in my installation.<BR>
What I need to do now reinstall nagios ??<BR>
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 Hendrik B wrote :<BR>
>Guten Tag Pankaj Bafana,<BR>
>am Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2004 um 19:28 schrieben Sie:<BR>
>PB> Does nagios requires any plugin to check simple ping host alive.<BR>
>PB> I am new to nagios just got nagios installed with web interface up.<BR>
>PB> It shows "Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing"<BR>
>PB> Pankaj<BR>
>Hi and welcome to Nagios,<BR>
>you have to define a check command in your services.cfg and in your<BR>
># 'check_ping' command definition<BR>
>define command{<BR>
> command_name check_ping<BR>
> command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 10:20% -c 60:100%<BR>
> }<BR>
>#'TEST' host definitions<BR>
>define service{<BR>
> host_name TEST<BR>
> service_description PING<BR>
> is_volatile 0<BR>
> check_period 24x7<BR>
> check_command check_ping<BR>
> max_check_attempts 4<BR>
> notification_interval 3600<BR>
> notification_period 24x7<BR>
> obsess_over_service 1<BR>
> notifications_enabled 1<BR>
> notification_options r,c<BR>
> normal_check_interval 600<BR>
> retry_check_interval 1<BR>
> contact_groups admin<BR>
> }<BR>
>just have a look at the realy good documentation!<BR>
>The checkcommand 'check_ping' fires up a plugin stored in<BR>
>/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_plugin, the special about this<BR>
>plugins is, that they returns values between -1 and 2 (i think) which<BR>
>stands for UNKNOWN, CRITICAL, WARNING and OK. These Return-Codes are<BR>
>"readable" by the Nagios Process.<BR>
>Hope this helps a little.<BR>
>Best regards,<BR>
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