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<P>Hello everybody, i am a new user of nagios, i am using the version nagios-1.2 under redhat9 whitch i installed under virtual machine, and as every bigginers i have my first problems with nagios configuration i describe bellow :</P>
<P>After having configured the server web Apache, the files nagios.cfg(/ usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg) and cgi.cfg (i mention that at the level of these two files, there were not big things to modify except if it was the opposite), and after having added the users who will have the right of access to the CGIs. While trying to verify if all is well configured, there were error messages of type unfortunately: "Error : Dependent service specified in service dependency for service 'Website #2' on host 'nt1' is not defined anywhere" and "Error : Service specified in service dependency for service 'Website #2' on host 'nt1' is not defined anywhere". </P>
<P>Knowing that I didn't create any other virtual pc again (there is just only one of it at present), I've said that, maybe, it is not very astonishing to have these error messages, since there are no pc nor services that turn. </P>
<P>I will be very thankful if you can help me.</P></FONT></DIV><p>
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