<br><font size=3>Hi everyone,</font>
<br><font size=3>I'm using NSCA to submit passive checks to Nagios from
the web via srvcheck.cgi but am encountering difficulties. srvcheck.cgi
correctly displays the return value of the check but the check is not submitted
to Nagios as a passive check.</font>
<br><font size=3>On the return page from srvcheck.cgi I get "Error:
Server closed connection before init packet was received Error: Could not
read init packet from server" and in /var/log/messages I get: "Network
server bind failure (98: Address already in use)". I have mapped
port 5667 to nsca in /etc/services and netstat -anp | grep 5667 reveals
nothing else trying to use that port. The web page, cgi and NSCA
are all on the same server as nagios. NSCA is running under xinetd.</font>
<br><font size=3>Does anyone have any ideas what this error might be and
how to fix it? Or is there another way of triggering a service check
manually then submitting the result to Nagios. I'm looking for something
that is friendly to use.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Richard Baker<br>
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