Dear all,<BR>
In nagios i am facing service down and recovery issues.If a service is down it shall show me after few minutes but when it comes up it takes atleast 10-12 min. for it to show up.Well for me this much of time difference means a lot when we are depending on Nagios for reports.<BR>
I have got 85 hosts(mainly routers as of now)<BR>
In second phase i shall be putting 25 server services in it<BR>
And third phase 180 more customer devices(routers/modems/switches etc.)<BR>
I am pasting down the relative configurations with it:<BR>
1.) command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 10 -w 450.0,40% -c 1750.0,98%<BR>
2.)This service defn. is for all 85 hosts(routers etc.)<BR>
define service{<BR>
use generic-service<BR>
host_name XXX.XXX.XXX<BR>
service_description check_ping<BR>
is_volatile 0<BR>
check_period 24x7<BR>
check_freshness 1<BR>
freshness_threshold 60<BR>
max_check_attempts 3<BR>
normal_check_interval 1<BR>
retry_check_interval 1<BR>
contact_groups noc-support<BR>
notification_interval 30<BR>
notification_period 24x7<BR>
notification_options c<BR>
check_command check_ping<BR>
3.)Other related configurations:<BR>
max_concurrent_checks 0 <BR>
service_inter_check_delay_method s <BR>
service_reaper_frequency 10 <BR>
service_interleave_factor s <BR>
max_check_attempts 3 <BR>
Also as suggested by some wise men in this list i have to strike a balance between check_interval and the reaper freq. as it wuld affect CPU.<BR>
Can anybody suggest the optimum settings.<BR>
Vivek <BR>
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