Dear Carole,<BR>
Thanks for the suggestion but my requirement is that i have to maintain my Nagios server on linux-9 and have to monitor Solaris clients from it(Solaris 7,8,9)<BR>
Any suggestions.<BR>
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 carole gimenez wrote :<BR>
>Warning: Your file, nagios-plugins-1.4.0-20040602.tar.gz, contains more than 32 files after decompression and cannot be scanned.<BR>
>I use nagios plugins on severals server based on solaris 8 and that works well.<BR>
>In attached file, you would find a modified version of nagios-plugins-1.4.0alpha1.tar.gz (the version of check_disk.c used is v1.42 (nagios-plugins 1.40alpha2) instead of v1.38 (nagios-plugins 1.40alpha1)).<BR>
>You must compile and install it on solaris servers that you want to monitor.<BR>
>I hope that will help you.<BR>
>vivek sharma sharma wrote:<BR>
>>Dear all,<BR>
>> As already discussed I am running Nagios server on one Linux Server and i also have to<BR>
>>monitor Solaris Os servers(SUN).<BR>
>>Is there any way out for this<BR>
>>Plz suggest.<BR>
>>Vivek <BR>
>>Note: Forwarded message attached<BR>
>>-- Orignal Message --<BR>
>> From: "vivek sharma sharma" <vivek_222@rediffmail.com><BR>
>>To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net<BR>
>>Subject: [Nagios-users] Plugin compatibility issue-On solaris<BR>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>
>>[Nagios-users] Plugin compatibility issue-On solaris<BR>
>> From:<BR>
>>"vivek sharma sharma" <vivek_222@rediffmail.com><BR>
>>Dear all,<BR>
>> I am running Nagios Version 2.0b2<BR>
>>I am using push_check.sh command to check remote-disk/remote-procs by using check_disk .It is working fine from linux(Nagios host) to linux(client) but when i try to monitor it on Solaris then it gives me error as following:<BR>
>>./push_check.sh /home/nagios/.ssh/id_rsa root@XXX.XXX.XXX ./check_procs -w 1:2 -c 2:1024 -C radiusd<BR>
>>./push_check.sh: line 90: [: : integer expression expected<BR>
>>After reading the help for push_check.sh i found out that it may be an issue with plugin compatibility.<BR>
>>My Nagios Host is running on ::Linux 2.4.20-8 #1<BR>
>>The client that i am trying to test is running on::<BR>
>>SunOS sudsr 5.9 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-60<BR>
>>If this is an compatibility issue then from where i can get plugin for Solaris 7,8,9.<BR>
>>Plz suggest.<BR>
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