<TITLE>Re: [Nagios-users] help with executing remote command</TITLE>
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Try this in your service definition: (the ONLY thing you need to pass is the arg itself as the command is already defined in the checkcommandscfg)<BR>
check_command check_remote_disk!/ <BR>
Separate args with ! And no spaces. I cant test now, but I assume their is a default warning and critical defintion as you don’t specify. <BR>
On 4/27/05 6:35 PM, "Leonardo Murúa Jiménez" <leonardox@aullox.com> wrote:<BR>
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checkcommands.cfg <BR>
# 'check_remote_disk' command definition<BR>
define command{<BR>
command_name check_remote_disk<BR>
command_line $USER1$check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C '/usr/local/bin/check_disk -p $ARG1$'<BR>
define service{<BR>
host_name nfsserver<BR>
service_description DISK Remote<BR>
check_command check_remote_disk! -H -C '/usr/local/bin/check_disk -p /'<BR>
max_check_attempts 3<BR>
normal_check_interval 5<BR>
retry_check_interval 3<BR>
check_period 24x7<BR>
notification_interval 30<BR>
notification_period 24x7 <BR>
notification_options w,c,r<BR>
contact_groups linux-admins<BR>
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