hey friends,<br>
I am not able to run nagios on FC3.Here is the error when I try to start nagios<br>
nagios -v nagios.cfg<br>
Nagios 2.0b4<br>
Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Ethan Galstad (<a href="http://www.nagios.org">http://www.nagios.org</a>)<br>
Last Modified: 08-02-2005<br>
License: GPL<br>
Reading configuration data...<br>
Error: Unexpected token or statement in file '/etc/nagios/command-plugins.cfg' o n line 33.<br>
***> One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files...<br>
Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid<br>
directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous<br>
version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions<br>
may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read<br>
the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the<br>
'Whats New' section to find out what has changed.<br>
The command-plugins.cfg file is attached with this mail.<br>
Please help me.<br>
Thanks & Regards<br>
Ankush Grover<br>