Hi,<br><br>I try to check that our Outlook Web Access server is up and running so i defined my commands check_http like this:<br># 'check_http' command definition<br>define command{<br> command_name check_http<br>
command_line $USER1$/check_http -H $HOSTNAME$ -u $ARG1$<br> }<br>and services this way :<br>check_command check_http!rcorpsv04!http://www.rmkmail.com<br><br>i get in return [1137662549] SERVICE ALERT: rcorpsv04;HTTP;WARNING;HARD;3;HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
<br><br>It looks like it's missing a host header field, how can i solve this ?<br><br>Thanks in advance for helping.<br><br>Regards<br><br>