Hi Group,<br><br>I've got Nagios 2.0 installed on a Solaris10/x86 machine and am having an issue when the following conditions exist:<br><br>1. Services being monitored by Nagios go down<br>2. Nagios sends an initial notification to the contact group associated with the service.
<br>3. Services being monitored by Nagios are still down long enough to cause the service to escalate.<br>4. The service escalation sends out a notification to a pager<br>5. The service escalation sends out another notification to a pager.
<br>6. The services being monitored by Nagios recover<br>7. Nagios sends a notification to the pager<br>8. Nagios does not send a notification to the original contact group associated with the service.<br><br>In a nutshell, the primary contact group is an internal mailing list I use to track problems associated with a clients systems and is designed primarily to act as a paper trail.
<br><br>The pager is there to alert me to critical system failures outside of work hours.<br><br>I get the pager recovery message but the internal list does not receive the recovery notification leading to some other technicians believing that the systems are still down when they check the list at 8am the next morning.
<br><br>Can anyone shed some insight? I have searched the list but cannot find anything about this specific problem.<br><br>Below is a cut-down version of my configuration:<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Brett Henrich<br><br><br>
[From services.cfg]<br><br># AnImportantClient Webmail Server<br><br>define service{<br> use generic-service ; Name of service template to use<br> host_name
animportantclient.webmail<br> service_description HTTP<br> is_volatile 0<br> check_period 24x7<br> max_check_attempts 3<br> normal_check_interval 60
<br> retry_check_interval 10<br> contact_groups internal-list-animportantclient<br> notification_interval 1200<br> notification_period 24x7<br>
notification_options w,u,c,r<br> check_command check_http<br> }<br><br><br><br>[from escalations.cfg]<br><br>define serviceescalation {<br> host_name
animportantclient.webmail<br> service_description HTTP<br> contact_groups pager<br> first_notification 2<br> last_notification 0<br> notification_interval 1200<br>
escalation_period normalbusinesshours<br>}<br><br><br><br>[from timeperiods.cfg]<br><br>define timeperiod{<br> timeperiod_name normalbusinesshours<br> alias "Normal" Working Hours
<br> sunday 00:00-24:00<br> monday 08:00-17:00<br> tuesday 08:00-17:00<br> wednesday 08:00-17:00<br> thursday 08:00-17:00<br> friday 08:00-17:00
<br> saturday 00:00-24:00<br><br> }<br><br>