Hello all - <br> I have a question regarding SNMP traps in Nagios.
>From my understanding, this can be done differently depending on what
you need and how things are configured on your network. At this point,
I am currently using Nagios with Active Service/Host checks only. I'm
monitoring Internet accessible services such as status of
POP/SMTP/Web/SSh/DNS etc.. and I'm monitoring local services such as
partition usage/load average/processes etc.. via the NRPE daemon/client
application. However, all these checks are using the plugins that were
provided with the Nagios installation and some of my own small scripts.
<br><br> Currently on our Cisco routers, we are able to monitor
whether or not the interface link is up or down, we can also be
notified if a link load passes a certain threshold, say 80%. Again,
these are just using the plugins available either from the Nagios
installation or from Nagios exchange. But what I want to be able to do,
is configure traps so that Nagios can be notified when other things
occur such as: power supply failure, input queue reaching a certain
level, latency if possible and many other things that are defined in
the default MIB of our Cisco routers.
<br><br> So my question is, what is the best way to monitor these
things? What are all my options? My understanding is that I would have
to configure the traps on the Cisco device to send event information to
a central snmptrapd, then that info is passed on to the Nagios host
which is listening for Passive Checks which will then alert us via
pager/email etc..
<br><br> But my question is, how is all this done? How do I
configure the Monitored host to send these events to snmptrapd? How do
I configure the snmptrapd? How do I configure snmptrapd to pass this
info onto Nagios? Do I need to use SNMPTT as an event correlator or
not? If so, how is that configured? What all has to be defined in
Nagios for the paging to happen once it sees the passive check result
in the external command file? <br>
<br> Anyway, I am open for suggestions. Examples of how things are
configured would be great. Try to break it down so that I can
understand what's doing what and how. <br><br> All suggestions /
information is greatly appreciated. Even if it's just pointing me to
the right documentation. Thanks a bunch !!!
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