I have been all over the forums and lists and don't see anyone else<br> having the exact same problem.<br><br>I have Nagios 2.2 running on RedHat ES4 U3, monitoring 28 RedHat<br> ES4 servers fine.<br><br>NRPE is running on all of the hosts. I have 1 redhat box that I
<br> am getting CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds. Also I<br> started rolling this out into my Solaris environment. I have it<br> on 4 servers 2 are working and 2 are getting this time out error.<br><br>the logs have not been usefull. For the solaris box's I am using
<br> the -n flag to disable ssl. (the same for the check command)<br><br>The strange part is I can run the command manually as root or nagios and I<br> get a good reply...<br><br>[root@bpas-02 libexec]# ./check_nrpe -n -H prddb880-1 -c check_disk1
<br><br>DISK OK - free space: / 5361 MB (53%);| /=4721MB;10061;10071;0;10081<br><br><br>Any ideas???<br><br>Thanks,<br><br><br><br>- Larry