<br><font size=3>Hi all,</font>
<br><font size=3>is the below answer from Hendrik still state of the art?</font>
<br><font size=3>Or let it say the other way: Does anyone know, how to
(re-)use the contactgroups-definition from a host for its services? So
that all notificatiuons for this host get to the ones, defined in the contactgroup
statement for this host (regardless if these are service- or hostnotifications).
I would like to avoid defining the service many times just to fill in the
same contactgroups I have alraedy defined for the host.</font>
<br><font size=3>TIA Ingo.</font>
<br><font size=3>From: Hendrik Baecker <b00mer <at> gmx.net><br>
Subject: </font><a href="http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=%3c42559AA4.2080901%40gmx.net%3e" target=_top><font size=3 color=blue><u>Re:
Contactgroups : host vs services</u></font></a><font size=3><br>
Newsgroups: </font><a href=http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.nagios.user target=_top><font size=3 color=blue><u>gmane.network.nagios.user</u></font></a><font size=3><br>
Date: 2005-04-07 20:40:04 GMT (1 year, 2 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours and 25
minutes ago)</font>
<br><tt><font size=3>Hello,<br>
many choices.... ;)<br>
1) You can define 30 Services for the same check but different <br>
contactgroups = many to type<br>
2) If you have 30 Services and want to deal with a hand full of <br>
contactgroups define a hand full of service templates with this hand <br>
full of contactgroups<br>
3) AFAIK you don't realy apply services to hostgroups... to your hosts
ok, but hostgroups?<br>
The contactgroups in your hostgroup definition will be the target if you
have a host alert but not on a service alert (so under Nagios <2.x)<br>
My suggestion: Read the docs about templates in your object configfiles,
since Nagios 1.1 (I think) you can use them and they are realy usefull.<br>
Vanhee Frederik schrieb:<br>
> Hello,<br>
> to explain my problem, I will simplify it.<br>
> Let's say I have two hosts : host1 and host2 and on these two hosts
1 <br>
> service is checked, for example cpu load<br>
> host1 has contactgroup host1admins<br>
> host2 has contactgroup host2admins<br>
> service cpu-load is defined in common for the 2 hosts, contactgroup
= <br>
> host1admins,host2admins<br>
> My problem, when the service cpu-load on host1 is not-ok, I want <br>
> host1admins to be alerted, when the cpu-load on host2 is not-ok, I
> want host2admins to be alerted.<br>
> Is there a way to filter out service-notifications that notifications
> are only sent when to the contactgroups that belong to the host and
> the service ?<br>
> Or any other ideas ? The real problem is that my service is defined
> once and applied to 30 hostgroups (with their contactgroups).<br>
> Thank in advance,<br>
> Frederik<br>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Mit freundlichen Grüßen<br>
Ingo Lantschner<br>
IT Consultant<br>
Elektronische Datenverarbeitung GmbH & Co KG<br>
Hofmühlgasse 3-5, 1060 Wien<br>
Tel.: (+43 1) 599 07 - 1125, Fax: (+43 1) 599 07 - 1366, Mobil: (+43 0)
664 814 63 22<br>
Serviceline Tel.:(+43 1) 599 07 9970<br>
ingo.lantschner@edvg.at, www.edvg.at<br>