<TITLE>Re: [Nagios-users] Check_oracle</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'><BR>
What’s the full command you’re running – check_oracle –WHAT ?<BR>
Are you running the check_oracle on the system running Oracle or another box ?<BR>
On 21/6/06 19:36, Mohan, Ajit (CFSA) (Ajit.Mohan@dc.gov) wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="4"><FONT FACE="Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:13.0px'>Hi,<BR>
I am trying to monitor the oracle database using the “check_oracle” plugin. I have installed Oracle client on the machine and configured the TNSNAMES.ORA file to point to the oracle server. However when I try to test the connection using “check_oracle” I get the below error message. I have verified the ORA_HOME and the TNSNAMES use the IP address of the Oracle server<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><B><I>“No TNS Listener on XXX”<BR>
</I></B></FONT> <BR>
The database is up and running<BR>
Any ideas?<BR>
Thank you <BR>
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Nagios-users mailing list<BR>
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postie@dsl.pipex.com <BR>