I could of sworn I had this working but for some reason it's not working today.<br><br>Scenario:<br><br>login is qa, pass, web paints and I see only the qa systems (perfect), I can click on services, I can disable notifcations
etc.etc.etc. So authentication and authorization appears to be working.<br><br>Nothing special in my cgi.cfg file, qa is only setup in contacts and thus can see these hosts/services by default.<br><br>Now, I have modified the outgoing alert to include a url to go to :
<br><br><a href="http://host/nagios/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?cmd_typ=34&host=qav01&service=Check_Disk">http://host/nagios/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?cmd_typ=34&host=qav01&service=Check_Disk</a><br><br>This allows the groups to acknowledge their own alerts when they are messing around with their servers (QA/Dev etc)
<br><br>Now the above url comes up fine ( I login and authemticate as qa), but now I receive this error<br><br><div class="errorMessage">Sorry, but you are not authorized to commit the specified command.</div>
Read the section of the documentation that deals with authentication and authorization in the CGIs for more information.<br><br>Ummm okay, when I login and do this command from the gui, no issues but when I issue the cmd.cgi
command and authenticate directly i'm for some reason not authorized, doesn't seem right.<br><br>Ideas?<br>Thanks<br>Tory<br>