<html><body>All I have read the documentation a number of times and either I am not getting it or it is not working. I have this host set below<br><br>define host{<br> host_name beastie<br> alias NFS Unix Server<br> address 172.26.X.X<br> check_command check-host-alive<br> max_check_attempts 10<br> check_period 24x7<br> notification_interval 20<br> notification_period 24x7<br> parents Pix<br> notification_options d,r,u<br> contact_groups Admins<br> }<br><br>If I shutdown the network interface on the switch leading to this box nagios alerts on the host being down but it alerts on it every 10 minutes.<br><br>If I think I understand the notification interval correctly hopefully this info will be enough for someone to point out what I have wrong here.<br><br># INTERVAL LENGTH<br># This is the seconds per unit interval as used in the<br># host/contact/service configuration files. Setting this to 60 means<br># that each interval is one minute long (60 seconds). Other settings<br># have not been tested much, so your mileage is likely to vary...<br><br>interval_length=60<br><br>The service check interval for this host is<br>normal_check_interval 5<br><br>Oh yeah I am running version 2.5<br><br></body></html>