Hello again all,<br><br>I forgot to include my nagios version in my previous post, so i will post it again with the Nagios version and OS info. For those who didn't catch it, I was asking if anybody knows a good tutorial or two ( or three ;) ) on how to setup distributed monitoring using Nagios
2.5 and NRPE. I run it on Centos 4.3. I currently have an ok setup, with about 40 hosts and 60+ services. <br><br>However, a new router will be installed in 2 weeks time and I am contemplating changing the centralized to distributed monitoring if firewall issued will get in the way. Even if we can get the firewall right, I think distributed monitoring would also be needed on some.
<br><br>If anyone knows some good tutorials or articles, please post the links.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Francis Lee B. Mondia<br>