We have a legacy setup with tru64 hosts that are currently configured for rsh, not ssh. I've installed the latest and greatest nagios on a relatively <br>recent fedora host and have used plugins with ssh in the past. The problem is that rsh doesn't return status codes properly. Rather, it returns
<br>only the status code of rsh itself, not the command. A search implies you just need to echo $? with rsh. <br><br>rsh linux to linux, I get this:<br><br>linux1> rsh linux1 'date ; echo $?'<br>Wed Jan 3 15:15:07 EST 2007
<br><br>and trying to generate an error:<br>linux1> rsh linux1 'bogus ; echo $?'<br>bogus; Command not found.<br>1<br><br>So that looks ok but first problem is when I put into nagios commands<br>define ....<br>
rsh $HOSTADDRESS$ 'mycommand; echo $?'<br>The web page show "(No output!)<br><br>Is it possible it swallows the quotes?<br><br>Further, rsh behaves differently on tru64:<br><br>linux1> rsh tru64-host 'date;echo $?'
<br>Variable syntax.<br><br>Any ideas for these problems? <br><br>Thanks<br><br>and <br>