<div>I am running Nagios version 2.4 </div>
<div>I set them up by simply going to nagios.cfg edited out # for each object file ex: cfg_file=etc/nagios/host.cfg and so on then created the file in the nagios directory using touch and chown for full permission </div>
<div> </div>
<div>now when i add hosts and serives for each file and then go to webinterface nagios it works </div>
<div>i can see several hosts and they are shown as being up</div>
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<div>but when i try editing out # next to conacts group and dependencies and try to restart nagios it keeps giving me an error " Reading etc/nagios main config file line 31 Null variable" soemthing like this.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>But Hosts and services do work when i restart nagios no problem just the other objects.</div>
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<div>I installed Cacti EZ on the linux box Red hat and had a nagios version along with the distribution cd </div>
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<div>thanks in advance </div>