<html><head><style type='text/css'>body { font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000}</style></head><body>Hello Nagios Community, it is my first mail, maybe this topic was responsed by you before, but i find that the documentation available for to configure nagios-nsca is not enought for me, I have 2 pcs with Centos 4.4, nagios 2.8, nsca and plugins, I need to configure one distributed monitoring with nagios, but i dont have specific documentation about each step required by this request, please help me with each step ( for client and server), some thinks are no easy for understand for me, but i have many experience with linux, <br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Leandro Rache Sanchez<br>Director de TecnologĂa<br>Hipertek Ltda<br>011 - 57 1 - 520 1644<br>011 - 57 1 - 213 1295<br>Bogota, Colombia<br></body></html>