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<TITLE>RE : [SPAM?] RE: RE : [Nagios-users] Sybase check on windows servers</TITLE>
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>Thank you so much for being patient with me. I tried what you said. But<BR>
>unfortunately I am still getting the error "return code of 139 is out of<BR>
This mean that there is a problem with the execution of your control. Did you try to run the command as you defined it in a shell prompt ?<BR>
>Here is my configuration-<BR>
>define command{<BR>
> command_name check_sybase<BR>
> command_line $USER1$/check_nt -v SERVICESTATE -d SHOWALL -l $ARG1$ $ARG2$<BR>
> }<BR>
I think there is an error here in your definition. Addording to your service definition, you will run :<BR>
$USER1$/check_nt -v SERVICESTATE -d SHOWALL -l 0 SYBSQL_ganges<BR>
If you run this, you will get a "Segmentation fault". You lack the name of the requested host (-H flag) and the syntax of the -l flag is wrong. A check_nt -h says :<BR>
Check the state of one or several services.<BR>
Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:<BR>
-l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...<BR>
You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services<BR>
in the returned string.<BR>
Your command should be something like :<BR>
$USER1$/check_nt -H ganges -v SERVICESTATE -d SHOWALL -l SYBSQL_ganges<BR>
You should test it in a shell prompt until you get the expected result, and then write it in your configuration file. To get the IP address of the host, you can use the macro $HOSTADDRESS$.<BR>