<div>I am having problems with nagiosgraph sporadicly plotting. I am running nagios 3.0b1 and nagiosgraph on solaris10. Also nagiosgraph is leaving these files in /tmp...thus filling up my filesystem. If i restart nagios, things work great for a little while. Then it goes back to sporadic plotting. Does anyone know whats going on. Could it be a solaris10 deal or resource problem. Or is this a config issue? If you need more info, i will be glad to provide screen shots, etc....
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<div>check.IGqeo check6lJqeo checkHAFqeo checkREGqeo check_HDqeo checkjJGqeo checktjIqeo<br>check.SGqeo check6sEqeo checkHhIqeo checkRKGqeo check_IGqeo checkjaHqeo checku2Gqeo
<br>check.dIqeo check7HIqeo checkI9Gqeo checkRWFqeo check_jHqeo checkjfGqeo checkuDIqeo<br>check0IGqeo<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Drex </div>