Greetings all,<br><br>I am currently running Nagios 2.7 with plugins 1.4.6 on an OpenBSD 4.1 system. I am successfully monitoring our environment on several different services, dns, http, mail (smtp and imap) and check_host_alive on all our servers. In shorter terms the system is working.
<br>My issue is this,<br><br>I have downloaded the plugin from nagiosexchange, and placed it in my plugin directory (/usr/local/libexec/nagios)<br>The permissions on this file are exactly the same as the other plugins in this directory.
<br><br>from the command prompt, I can:<br><br># ./check_ldap -H <my.ldap.server><br><br>I receive an OK response.<br><br>However when I create a service definition for this check:<br><br>define service {<br> use generic-service
<br> service_description LDAP<br> host_name <my.ldap.server><br> check_command check_ldap<br><br>with the following command definition:<br><br># 'check_ldap' command definition
<br>define command {<br> command_name check_ldap<br> command_line $USER1$/check_ldap -H $HOSTADDRESS$<br> }<br><br>and generic-service defined thusly:<br><br>define service {<br> name generic-service
<br> is_volatile 0<br> contact_groups eservices<br> active_checks_enabled 1<br> check_period always<br> normal_check_interval 5
<br> retry_check_interval 1<br> max_check_attempts 3<br> parallelize_check 1<br> passive_checks_enabled 1<br> event_handler_enabled 1
<br> process_perf_data 1<br> retain_status_information 1<br> retain_nonstatus_information 1<br> notifications_enabled 1<br> notification_interval 120
<br> notification_period always<br> notification_options w,u,c,r<br><br> register 0<br>}<br><br>I receive a (No Output!) status message in nagios.<br><br>
This would indicate I have something misconfigured, but I can not figure out where I'm having the problem.<br>Has anyone else had this issue, or could you point me to the right spot in the documentation that would allow me to get this working?
<br><br>Thanks,<br><br><br>Don Kinney<br>cccIT<br>Corning Community College<br>